Timesheet Instructions

Timesheet Portal

REMY Corporation Timesheet Portal & Expenses

The REMY Corporation has an easy to use timesheet portal. At the start of your contract, REMY’s Operation Team will provide you with your log in information, temporary password and instructions on how to set up their profile. The REMY Portal will be used to keep track of timesheets, current contracts and any personal information like email and home address as well as tax related information

Remy Portal: timesheet.remycorp.com

Using the login and password provided by Remy’s Operations team, you will be able to access their Timesheet Portal.

From here, employees will have the option to edit their profile, add references, add timesheets, or contact the Remy Corporation with any questions or concerns. Also, all previous and future time cards can be viewed from this home menu.

At the end of each work week, we ask that you to submit your hours worked for that week. By clicking on the Add Timesheet tab on the left hand side, then select the job title you wish to enter hours for.

Once the job is selected, you will be able to enter your time into the timesheet entry portal.

We ask that you enter hours worked under the appropriate day section. Click SUBMIT at the bottom once the timesheet is completed.


Once completed, the employee will have the option to attach any files or (if eligible per manager’s request) enter expenses before submitting their timesheet for the week. Scroll down to the bottom of the timesheet to find the Timesheet Attachments and Expenses section.

In order to properly submit Expenses, please fill out the Expense Description and TOTAL Expense Amount in the Expenses section. Then click submit. You can repeat this process as many times as possible depending on how many separate expenses you needed submitted.

If you have a receipt or invoice for the expense, we ask that you attach it to the timecard under Timesheet Attachments. List the description, choice the file and upload for the attachment to appear on the timesheet.

If you choose to apply time throughout the week, the timesheet gives you the option to Save rather than submit. This is in place for any future editing before submitting your timesheet. Once the timesheet is submitted however, it is placed in cue for approval from you manager, Jillian Hill. ALL SUBMITTED TIMESHEETS CANNOT BE EDITED. If you made a mistake, please reach out to the operations team at REMY and we can manually unapproved the timesheet to which you will be able to edit it again.

Main Headquarters

1610 15th Street 2nd Floor
Denver, CO. 80202


Other Offices

Philadelphia, PA
Boston, MA
Tampa, FL
Kansas City, MO